When hit with a Negative, Counter with a Positive!

March 29th, 2010

Training in the Martial Arts conditions and prepares us to defend ourselves against dangerous people and threatening situations, which is great because it better prepares you for how you would respond during an actual assault or attack. However, one of the greatest dangers we alldeal with everyday isn’t so much a physical threat, but more common is the risk of a being harmed by someone’s negative comments, negative attitudes or negative emotions.

Applying the Yin-Yang or Um-Yang approach to defending against negative forces would tell us to always be ready to counter with positives. Applying this in a physical attack, one method of defense is to do the exact opposite of your opponent. If they lunge forward in a straight line, you may defend by backing away in a circular direction. If they strike high, you may defend against the attack and counter low.

When hit with a negative…counter with a positive, is the same theory. Try applying it to daily life where we may be attacked verbally or assaulted emotionally. If someone makes a negative comment about someone you know and care about, you may redirect them with a positive comment. This does two things: it serves as a pattern interrupt and focuses the other person’s attention on what is good about the person or thing in question (maybe someone shares a negative rumor that an acquaintance is spreading, ignore the rumor and share something positive instead; maybe someone you know becomes very negative and reactive) your goal would be to stay calm, positive and proactive.

Self-defense is about defending yourself not about harming the attacker. Our Moo Do symbol at the very center of our Federation’s logo speaks to this. The Chinese Character may be translated as “Stop the Sword”. This may also be translated as stop both inner and outer conflict. Think of the same concept in dealing with negative people or situations. The goal is to avoid harm, not cause it. Practice this theory and you’ll see yourself staying calmer and increasingly better at keeping a positive outlook and attitude toward everything and everybody.

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