Train with a Mental Edge

September 19th, 2021

Tang Soo Do classes help students by challenging them both mentally and physically.  A sharp mental edge helps you endure the strenuous demands of training and sticking to your goals.  Here are some tips to get in the right frame of mind:

Visualization: Once you learn a new movement, imagine yourself performing it perfectly. Make sure you sit quietly and concentrate on the entire sequence of the move as you were really doing the movement. This stimulates your thought patterns which enhance your perception of the movement. Also, visualization helps you master skills and improves your perception.

Relaxation: First, sit or lie in a comfortable position, then consciously tense and relax your foot muscles. Continue this technique by doing your legs and continue throughout your body. When you become adept at this try and relax each part of your body without tensing up first. This exercise improves the communication between the nervous system and the muscles. Also, relaxation helps you obtain discipline and patience.

Meditation: Begin by sitting in a relaxed and upright position. Then, with your eyes closed take deep, but natural breaths. Your mind should be clear and flow freely, do not force yourself to focus on anything in a particular move to another thought. Start by concentrating on the count of your breathing. Breath in for a count of four; hold your breath for a count of four, and exhale for a count of four. Do not use your chest and shoulders to breath. Instead, work your stomach muscles. As time goes on you can increase the sequence to six seconds. Meditation will help you increase your mental endurance.

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