The Habit of Commitment

May 27th, 2011

Black Belt Leaders & Champions have something called a Non-Quitting Spirit. They have perseverance plus, also referred to as the “Habit of Commitment”. Champions commit to the completion of worthy goals. Anytime you set your sights on a worthwhile goal, such as becoming more than you are today, it is important to stay the course. Stick to it until you do it!

There are valuable life lessons learned when you overcome obstacles. For example, life’s greatest prizes often come to those who persevere the longest. All Black Belt Leaders & Champions encounter obstacles, challenges and setbacks on the path to self-mastery. The best get better by overcoming anything that stands between them and the successful achievement of their goal. Every time you learn to overcome an obstacle or a setback, or you solve a problem or challenge, you become stronger mentally, physically, and spiritually. You reinforce the habit of commitment.

If you’re going to develop life-long habits, it’s in your best interest to develop “Habits of Excellence” that will best serve you and those you care about. Remember, good habits are hard to form but easy to live with.

The opposite of this would be the habit of quitting or giving up. The truth is that bad habits are easy to form but hard to live with. Here’s another truth: winners never quit and quitters never win! Many people are great at starting something, but only a peak performance sees things through to completion. Unfortunately, far too many people stop as quickly as they start. So, they develop the habit of start/stop/start/stop. This is called the “Habit of Mediocrity” or playing the blame game. These are the people that never follow through to completion, and seem to always find an excuse or way to blame someone else for their failures in life.

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