The Better we Prepare, the Better we Perform!

February 23rd, 2012

Nothing earth shattering about that statement, but a great reminder of the 5 P’s:

  • Proper Preparation & Planning Promotes Peak Performance.
  • Proper Preparation & Planning Prevents Poor Performance.

Either way you look at it, there are 6 P’s and it’s a great reminder to all of us. The better you prepare for your upcoming week, the better you and your team will perform. The better you prepare your students for their upcoming progress check/gup or dan test, the better they will perform and the better you and they will look. Everyone wins when everyone is well prepared!

Lack of preparation always leads to poor performance and a poor mental state of mind. It may be a lack of confidence, lack of commitment or a lack of enthusiasm, all avoidable with greater preparation and planning.

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