Latest Promotions

March 23rd, 2007 Cambridge Tang Soo Do would like to thank Master Molitano for attending our Spring 2007 Gup testing. The students who have successfully completed the test are: Sheraz Choudhary 2nd Gup Angelika Fretzen 2nd Gup Colin South 8th Gup Isabel Kunkle 8th Gup Lance Martin 8th Gup Daniel Maibor 8th Gup Jason Green more »

New Promotions

December 8th, 2006 Cambridge Tang Soo Do would like congratulate the following students for successfully completing the 2006 winter testing cycle: Kosta Livitisky 2nd Gup Richard Heppner 3rd Gup Satyan Shad 7th Gup Lance Martin 9th Gup Daniel Maibor 9th Gup Jason Green 9th Gup Keith Thoresz 9th Gup Mark Gerlovin 9th Gup A warm more »

Fall 2006 Gup Test Results

September 22nd, 2006 7 students were selected to take part in Cambridge Tang Soo Do’s Fall 2006 testing cycle. Congratulations goes out to the following students: Chris Scarpino 1st Gup Clare Tyler 3rd Gup Sheraz Choudhary 3rd Gup Angelika Fretzen 3rd Gup Satyan Shad 8th Gup Colin South 9th Gup Isabel Kunkle 9th Gup We more »

Latest Promotions

June 16th, 2006 Congratulations to the following students for successfully completing the Summer 2006 testing cycle. The new promotions are: Kurt Grelak 1st Dan Oleg Khodko 1st Dan Richard Heppner 4th Gup Sheraz Choudhary 4th Gup Angelika Fretzen 4th Gup David Horning 5th Gup Satyan Shah 9th Gup We would also like to welcome the more »

Latest Promotions

March 27th, 2006 Congratulations to the following students for successfully completing the Winter 2006 testing cycle. The new promotions are: Chris Scarpino 2nd Gup Natalie Roy 4th Gup Sheraz Choudhary 5th Gup Angelika Fretzen 5th Gup Garrett Warfield 6th Gup David Horning 7th Gup We would also like to welcome the following new students David more »

Latest Promotions

December 9th, 2005 Cambridge Tang Soo Do would like to thank Mister Costa for attending our Winter 2005 Gup testing. The students who have successfully completed the test are: Bob Thomas 1st Gup Nan Silverman 3rd Gup Kosta Livitisky 3rd Gup Chris Scarpino 3rd Gup Clare Tyler 4th Gup Richard Heppner 5th Gup Sheraz Choudhary more »

Latest Promotions

September 16th, 2005 We would like to congratulate the following students for successfully completing the Fall 2005 testing Cycle: Rami Haddad 1st Gup Katri Langel 5th Gup Zaki El-Badawi 6th Gup Angelika Fretzen 7th Gup Michael Van Heek 8th Gup Garrett Warfield 8th Gup We would also like to welcome the following new students Othneil more »

Latest Promotions

June 29th, 2005 Congratulations to the following students for successfully completing the Summer 2005 testing cycle. The new promotions are: Bob Thomas 2nd Gup Rami Haddad 2nd Gup Tania Richards 3rd Gup Kosta Livitsky 4th Gup Christopher Scarpino 4th Gup Natalie Roy 5th Gup Katri Langel 6th Gup Sheraz Choudhary 7th Gup Praveen Rachakulla 8th more »

School News

April 1st, 2005 Congratulations to the following students for successfully completing the Spring Gup Testing. The new promotions are: Kurt Grelak 1st Gup Oleg Khodko 1st Gup Bob Thomas 3rd Gup Rami Haddad 3rd Gup Nan Silverman 4th Gup Marcela Rosas 5th Gup Christopher Scarpino 5th Gup Clare Tyler 5th Gup Jason Childress 6th Gup more »

School News

December 20th, 2004 Cambridge Tang Soo Do would like to thank Master White and Master Driscoll for attending our Winter 2004 Gup testing. The students who have successfully completed the test are: Jason Duva 3rd Dan Steve Paik 1st Dan Keith Pierson 1st Dan Kurt Grelak 2nd Gup Oleg Khodko 2nd Gup Tania Richards 4th more »


September 20th, 2004 We would like to express and thanks and gratitude to Master Steven DiGloria and Master Jim Fernette for attending the Cambridge Tang Soo Do Gup test cycle. Congratulations to all who have successfully completed the test: Oleg Khodko 3rd Gup Bo-Mi Choi 4th Gup Tania Richards 5th Gup Rami Haddad 5th Gup more »

School News

June 30th, 2004 Cambridge Tang Soo Do would like to thank Master Simmons and Mrs. Hebert for attending our Summer 2004 Gup testing. The students who have successfully completed the test are: Daniel Hu 1st Gup Kurt Grelak 3rd Gup Oleg Khodko 4th Gup Bo-Mi Choi 5th Gup Nan Silverman 6th Gup Tania Richards 6th more »

School News

April 4th, 2004 Cambridge Tang Soo Do would like to congratulate the following students for successfully completing the Spring 2004 testing cycle. The new promotions are: Kurt Grelak 4th Gup Oleg Khodko 5th Gup Tania Richards 7th Gup Rami Haddad 7th Gup Konstantin Livitski 8th Gup Marcela Rosas 8th Gup Maher Mutlaq 8th Gup Zaki more »

School News

December 14th, 2003 Congratulations to the following students for successfully completing the Winter 2003 testing cycle. Their efforts and progress have been rewarding, and we hope that they will continue their hard training in Tang Soo Do. The new promotions are as follows: Steve Paik 1st Gup Keith Pierson 1st Gup Kurt Grelak 5th Gup more »


August 9th, 2003Congratulations to the following students for successfully completing the Summer testing cycle. The new promotions are as follows:    Daniel Hu  –  2nd Gup    Kurt Grelak  –  6th Gup    Oleg Khodko  –  7th Gup Their efforts and progress have been rewarding, and we hope that they will continue their hard training more »