June 23rd, 2012Cambridge Tang Soo Do would like to congratulate the following students for successfully completing the Summer 2012 testing cycle: Adults: Hairo Trinidad Cho Dan Bo Julien Daubriac 1st Gup Colin South 2nd Gup Lucas Batten 5th Gup Gabriel Gruionu 5th Gup Israel Massena 6th Gup Karen Dashevsky 7th Gup Lindsey Erlick 8th Gup Bill Walsh 8th Gup Casey Sheaves 9th Gup Kids: more »
March 29th, 2012Cambridge Tang Soo Do would like to congratulate the following students for successfully completing the Spring 2012 testing cycle: Adults: Navilla Bagga Cho Dan Bo Robert Gresham Cho Dan Bo Hairo Trinidad 1st Gup Tommy Wisdom 2nd Gup Colin South 3rd Gup Leonard James 4th Gup Mandar Satam 5th Gup Sheetal Kamble 6th Gup more »
December 16th, 2011Cambridge Tang Soo Do held its winter testing cycle last week. Congratulations to the following students for achieving their new rank: Adults: Navilla Bagga 1st Gup Julian Daubriac 2nd Gup Hairo Trinidad 2nd Gup Tommy Wisdom 3rd Gup Lucas Batten 6th Gup Gabriel Gruionu 7th Gup Israel Massena 8th Gup Matt Poulin 9th Gup more »
September 23rd, 2011Cambridge Tang Soo Do would like to congratulate the following students for successfully completing the Fall 2011 testing cycle: Adults: Ian Garvie Cho Dan Bo Julian Daubriac 3rd Gup Colin South 4th Gup Tommy Wisdom 4th Gup Mandar Satam 7th Gup Lucas Batten 7th Gup Tracy Adams 7th Gup Sheetal Kamble 8th Gup Israel more »
June 20th, 2011 Congratulations to the following students for successfully completing the Summer 2011 testing cycle. The new promotions are: Adults: Julian Daubriac 4th Gup Colin South 5th Gup Tommy Wisdom 5th Gup Mandar Satam 8th Gup Lucas Batten 8th Gup Tracy Adams 8th Gup Sheetal Kamble 9th Gup Kids: Luke Schlatter 2nd Gup Finn more »
March 21st, 2011 Congratulations to the following students for successfully completing the Spring 2011 testing cycle. Their efforts and progress have been rewarding, and we hope that they will continue their hard training in Tang Soo Do. The new promotions are as follows: Navilla Bagga 2nd Gup Leonard James 5th Gup Ebe Janchivdorj 5th Gup more »
December 10th, 2010 6 students were selected to take part in Cambridge Tang Soo Do’s Winter 2010 testing cycle. The new promotions are: Steve Paik Sam Dan Angelika Fretzen E Dan Ian Garvie 2nd Gup Navilla Bagga 3rd Gup Julien Daubriac 6th Gup Tommy Wisdom 7th Gup A warm welcome to the following new more »
September 19th, 2010 Cambridge Tang Soo Do would like to congratulate the following students for successfully completing the Fall 2010 testing cycle : Adults Jason Green Cho Dan Bo Colin South 6th Gup Julien Daubriac 7th Gup Tommy Wisdom 8th Gup Kids Luke Schlatter 4th Gup Finn Paquette 5th Gup Alex South 6th Gup more »
June 18th, 2010 7 students were selected to take part in Cambridge Tang Soo Do’s Summer 2010 testing cycle. Congratulations goes out to the following students: Adults Michael Vemula CDB Riley Curtin CDB Jason Green 1st Gup Anthony Messina 1st Gup Navilla Bagga 4th Gup Ebe Janchivdorj 6th Gup Julien Daubriac 8th Gup Tommy more »
April 11th, 2010 Cambridge Tang Soo Do would like to congratulate the following students for successfully completing the 2010 winter testing cycle: Adults Michael Vemula 1st Gup Jason Green 2nd Gup Navilla Bagga 5th Gup Colin South 7th Gup Trevor Boylston 7th Gup Ebe Janchivdorj 7th Gup Kids Luke Schlatter 5th Gup Finnigan Paquette more »
December 14th, 2009 Cambridge Tang Soo Do would like to congratulate 9 students for successfully completing the winter testing cycle. The new ranks are: Adults Kurt Grelak 2nd Dan Bob Thomas 2nd Dan Anthony Messina 2nd Gup Kevin Palmer 4th Gup Leonard James 6th Gup Navilla Bagga 6th Gup Ebe Janchivdorj 8th Gup Julien more »
June 21st, 2009 Congratulations go out to the following students for successfully completing the summer 2009 testing cycle. The new promotions are: Adults Richard Heppner 1st Dan Mike Vemula 4th Gup Eric Tollefson 4th Gup Leonard James 8th Gup Trevor Boylston 8th Gup Navilla Bagga 8th Gup Anas Chalah 8th Gup Ebe Janchivdorj 9th more »
March 13th, 2009 Cambridge Tang Soo Do would like to thank Master Molitano for attending our Winter 2009 Gup testing. The students who have successfully completed the test are: Mike Vemula 5th Gup Eric Tollefson 5th Gup Jim Kim 6th Gup Leonard James 9th Gup Trevor Boylston 9th Gup Navilla Bagga 9th Gup Anas Chalah more »
December 12th, 2008 Cambridge Tang Soo Do would like to congratulate 9 students for successfully completing the winter testing cycle. The new ranks are: Angelika Fretzen 1st Dan Daniel Maibor Cho Dan Bo Anthony Messina 4th Gup Kevin Palmer 5th Gup Mike Vemula 6th Gup Eric Tollefson 6th Gup James Kim 7th Gup Jeff Haggar more »
September 14th, 2008 8 students were selected to take part in Cambridge Tang Soo Do’s Fall 2008 testing cycle. Congratulations goes out to the following students: Daniel Maibor 1st Gup Jason Green 4th Gup Anthony Messina 5th Gup Kevin Palmer 6th Gup Isabel Kunkle 7th Gup Mike Vemula 7th Gup James Kim 8 th Gup more »
June 13th, 2008 Cambridge Tang Soo Do would like to thank Master Molitano for attending our Summer 2008 Gup testing. The students who have successfully completed the test are: Oleg Khodko 2nd Dan Chris Scarpino 1st Dan Richard Heppner Cho Dan Bo Daniel Maibor 2nd Gup Jason Green 5th Gup Anthony Messina 6th Gup Kevin more »
March 14th, 2008 Cambridge Tang Soo Do would like to congratulate the following students for successfully completing the 2008 Spring testing cycle. The new ranks are: Daniel Maibor 3rd Gup Abi Capobianco 8th Gup Kevin Palmer 8th Gup Traci Thoresen 9th Gup Ellen Cappo 9th Gup Mike Vemula 9th Gup Linh Chau 9th Gup A more »
December 14th, 2007 Congratulations to the following students for successfully completing the Winter 2007 testing cycle. The new promotions are: Noelle Drewicz 2nd Dan Daniel Maibor 4th Gup Jason Green 6th Gup Anthony Messina 7th Gup Kevin Palmer 9th Gup A warm welcome to the following students who have decided to start their journey in more »
September 14th, 2007 Cambridge Tang Soo Do would like to thank Master Molitano for attending our Fall 2007 Gup testing. The students who have successfully completed the test are: Angelika Fretzen Cho Dan Bo Richard Heppner 1st Gup Daniel Maibor 6th Gup Jason Green 7th Gup Anthony Messina 8th Gup Abigail Capobianco 9th Gup Stephanie more »
June 25th, 2007 Congratulations to the following students for successfully completing the Summer 2007 testing cycle. The new promotions are: Dr. Meetze 3rd Dan Bob Thomas 1st Dan Chris Scarpino Cho Dan Bo Kosta Livitisky 1st Gup Angelika Fretzen 1st Gup Richard Heppner 2nd Gup Daniel Maibor 7th Gup Mark Gerlovin 8th Gup Tony Messina more »