Habit of Giving your Best Effort…Reaching for Your Full Capacity!
Christian Klacko : September 5, 2023 11:48 am : newsWhether we are talking about martial arts classes, study habits or work…you will always succeed at a higher level if you develop the habit of giving your best effort and treating others as you yourself would like to be treated. Nobody achieves greatness by being lazy or giving a half-hearted effort. Equally, nobody ever succeeds with a negative attitude toward others.
If you study the training of champions in any sport, you will see them putting in hours of dedicated practice and giving their best effort daily. When you give your best effort and consistently push to exceed your previous best, you will get better and you will improve. Never allow Minimums to become your Maximums & Always Maintain High Character!
In the martial arts, we live The Martial Way. We call this “Living the Art”. “Warriors are special people. Since they understand the concept of honor, they set their ethical standards above most of the rest of society.” Forrest E. Morgan, Maj USAF
When you push yourself to your current maximum, and then strive for 10% improvement or better, you will constantly raise the bar on your personal best. The difference between ordinary and extra-ordinary is one word…”extra”! You will take yourself to new levels of excellence if you will decide in advance to give extra effort and especially extra service. This is especially true if you maintain a high level of character in the process. “A man of character will make himself worthy of any position given.” Mahatma Gandhi
On the opposite end of the spectrum, if you get in the habit of giving a minimal effort and accept less than your best, this can also become habit. If you’re not careful, before you know it, your minimum will become your maximum. Ultimately, your life will become ordinary or even less. To some this is normal, to peak performers, warriors, and champions this a place they avoid like the plague. Look at everything you do, on and off the mat, think about how you can give your best effort and do it better. What could you do different today to take it to a whole new level?
In the training hall (Dojo or Dojang)…what can you do to pick up the pace to improve your skills and conditioning? At work or school, what could you do to exceed expected and provide extra-ordinary service? What could you do in your relationships to make a profound and positive impact on those around you? What could you do at your school to ensure to ensure students are fully plugged in! At work…can you arrive a little earlier, stay later, improve your effort and increase your overall contribution?
It has been said that the true “dojang” starts at the door on the way out. That is, a good student of the martial arts brings their practice into their daily life. The advanced student sets the example always. They leave their personal issues at the door and never bring them into the dojang. Likewise, the students learn that the dojang is a safe haven and is free of the daily baggage that greets them at home, work, school, and often within their community. In fact, the reason we take off our shoes before walking on the mat is to remind ourselves that we remove ourselves from the outside world before beginning our training. We do this to get in touch with our inner selves and to be more alert to our surroundings. This is often referred to as the shoe rack theory as mentioned in a previous article.
“The difference between a Master and a novice is that the Master makes use of each opportunity in life as well as in practice.” Author Unknown
The warrior mindset is a unique worldview that can shape how we approach our work, relationships, and daily life. This powerful mindset can be seen in warriors throughout history who have been able to tackle complex challenges and come out victorious. The warrior mindset is based on three core beliefs: a never-ending commitment to excellence, an unshakeable belief in yourself, and an unwavering dedication to others.
First, commitment to excellence is what drives the warrior mindset. Warriors strive for perfection in all areas, from physical strength and agility to intellectual prowess. It’s about going beyond what has already been achieved and pushing yourself further each day. This drive for excellence also extends into their ethical decisions; warriors are conscious about righting wrongs wherever they may be found.
Second, warriors have a deep faith in themselves and their abilities; they know that they will come out on top no matter their challenge if they stubbornly persist. This self-belief gives them the mental toughness to stay focused when obstacles arise—it helps them stay resilient through difficult times.
Finally, warriors are dedicated to helping others succeed as well as themselves. They understand that supporting one another will benefit the entire team—this creates a culture of mutual respect and collaboration among all those involved in the mission at hand.
The warrior mindset is not just an attitude or philosophical outlook; it’s a lifestyle choice that can help you succeed professionally and personally. By embracing these core beliefs—a never-ending commitment to excellence, an unshakeable belief in yourself, and an unwavering dedication to others—you can adopt the warrior mindset and make positive changes in your life!
As the year draws to an end, it is a good time to reflect on all of our accomplishments and victories especially for this year as we move beyond the pandemic. We are proud to share that Cambridge Tang Soo Do has thrived in 2022 and it is in no small part due to all our collective efforts. Even though we did not have the opportunity to get together for our yearly championship, we did get a chance to meet in person at our summer camp and holiday party. Here is what we have accomplished this year:
- We have 50 active students in our school
- We welcomed 5 new students and 2 transfer students
- 18 students attended the summer camp
- We welcomed 2 new Cho-Dans into the Black Belt family
- We promoted 2 Cho-Dan, 2 E-Dans and 1 Sam- Dans
- We had 7 students from CTSD attend the Master’s Clinic.
I am very grateful for everybody’s contribution and support as we continue to build Cambridge Tang Soo Do. As a TEAM, we were able to accomplish some great things. The old saying (TEAM), “together, everyone achieves more”, is surely true in this case. I look forward to more of the same in 2023.