Being an eager student or instructor and training in a great dojang, with a great team, is one of the most rewarding experiences that can happen in anyone’s life. It leads to an endless number of outstanding friendships and relationships that brings out the best in everyone mentally, physically and emotionally. Shouting from the rooftops is simply a saying for spreading the word about all the good that is going on in your dojang, Federation, and with your team.
The real world is filled with so much negative news, a dojang is filled with positive news and events. Which is why we encourage everyone to shout from the roof tops about your training, your dojang, your Federation, and your team mates. All too often, people only talk about the negative things that happen in their day and in their lives. When you shout from the rooftops, you are doing just the opposite, you are sharing good news and spreading a much needed positive spirit to everyone you speak with. This is good for you and them. It could be something as simple as spreading the word about an upcoming event, an Open House or a Belt Promotion. Maybe it’s inviting someone to attend a Buddy Day, class, or special event. It might be just inviting someone in to watch your regular training class.
Black Belt Leaders & Champions are always eager to spread the good word about what is going on. The more you educate and inspire your inner circle of family and friends about the Martial Arts, the greater interest and support they will provide. You may even discover some of them decide to join you as well. Another benefit is the more you talk about the good, the more you attract it. As we all know…positive begets positive.
Black Belt Leaders & Champions shout from the rooftop about everything good and positive in their life. They are a force for good and love to spread their contagious enthusiasm. Like anything, the more you practice shouting from the rooftops, the sooner it becomes habit. Your goal is to always influence conversation and thinking in a positive and productive direction. You can start today by sharing this message with a family member or friend that could use some good news.
We all want to perform at our best. To accomplish this we must remember BEST stands for:
B = Healthy Body
E = Healthy Emotions
S = Positive Speech
T = Powerful Thinking
“As you think, so shall you become” – Bruce Lee
People usually dismiss this and yet truer words have never been spoken. When we zoom in a bit more, we realize the truth: “Your thinking governs your behavior, and your behavior determines your results. Your results determine your destiny.” Literally and figuratively, thoughts determine your destiny! That means your thinking is the most valuable asset you have. “Positive Thinking” is great and yet at the end of the day it is not enough. Your thinking must be more than positive it must also be strategic and or tactical. It must be mixed with a strong desire (i.e., burning desire) and have an intended purpose. Train your brain to think at Mastery Level or what we call Master Level Awareness (MLA):
- First, become a Master observer. That is, use your sensory acuity to be aware of how you think.
- Next, consider how someone creates a master piece. They work at it! This is the same way you get good at anything…through good old fashioned practice. Again, start with noticing your thought patterns by becoming a Master observer. Whenever you have a dis-empowering or limiting thought, arrest it immediately, and re-place it with powerful thinking.
- Next, Decide in Advance (DIA). That is, know the outcome you want in any situation and ask “How Can I….?” It’s about asking more empowering questions, having an intended purpose, being persistent, and practicing tactical detachment. This will help you overcome self-doubt and when appropriate fear.
- Finally for now, I leave you with an old Chinese story of a grandfather with his grandson that speaks to the power of your thinking.
“An old Chinese Master is teaching his grandson about life. “A fight is going on inside of me,” he said to the boy. “It is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One that is evil – he is anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, superiority, and over-inflated ego.” He continued, “The other is good – he is joy, peace, love, hope, serenity, poise, humility, kindness, benevolence, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith.” He continued, “The same fight is going inside of you my grandson – inside every other person, too.” The grandson thought about it for a minute and then asked his grandfather, “Which wolf will win grand daddy?” The old Chinese Master simply replied, “The one you feed.” I leave you with this most important thought. Which wolf are you feeding?
Black Belt Leaders & Champions Shout from the Rooftops!
Christian Klacko : February 4, 2017 3:38 pm : newsBeing an eager student or instructor and training in a great dojang, with a great team, is one of the most rewarding experiences that can happen in anyone’s life. It leads to an endless number of outstanding friendships and relationships that brings out the best in everyone mentally, physically and emotionally. Shouting from the rooftops is simply a saying for spreading the word about all the good that is going on in your dojang, Federation, and with your team.
The real world is filled with so much negative news, a dojang is filled with positive news and events. Which is why we encourage everyone to shout from the roof tops about your training, your dojang, your Federation, and your team mates. All too often, people only talk about the negative things that happen in their day and in their lives. When you shout from the rooftops, you are doing just the opposite, you are sharing good news and spreading a much needed positive spirit to everyone you speak with. This is good for you and them. It could be something as simple as spreading the word about an upcoming event, an Open House or a Belt Promotion. Maybe it’s inviting someone to attend a Buddy Day, class, or special event. It might be just inviting someone in to watch your regular training class.
Black Belt Leaders & Champions are always eager to spread the good word about what is going on. The more you educate and inspire your inner circle of family and friends about the Martial Arts, the greater interest and support they will provide. You may even discover some of them decide to join you as well. Another benefit is the more you talk about the good, the more you attract it. As we all know…positive begets positive.
Black Belt Leaders & Champions shout from the rooftop about everything good and positive in their life. They are a force for good and love to spread their contagious enthusiasm. Like anything, the more you practice shouting from the rooftops, the sooner it becomes habit. Your goal is to always influence conversation and thinking in a positive and productive direction. You can start today by sharing this message with a family member or friend that could use some good news.
Black Belt Leaders and Champions Magnify the Positives & Shrink the Negatives!
Christian Klacko : January 15, 2017 3:36 pm : newsEvery day we are all likely to experience positive things and people, as well as negative things and people. What we focus on, is a choice we all get to make. You can choose to magnify the negatives and allow yourself to get stressed out by your problems and challenges. When you choose this route, you will attract more negatives.
It will seem as if you have a black cloud over your head. This is why it is very important that you focus on what you want and what is good in your life and not what is not right at the moment. Whenever you magnify the negatives in your life, you also shrink the positives. You become blind to the good stuff, simply because you are focusing on all that is wrong! Or, you can choose the opposite…to magnify the positives and feed your spirit with great optimism and an energy force that will attract more of the good stuff into your life. It’s a choice we all get to make every moment of everyday. The Law of Attraction & The Law of Control teaches us that we empower ourselves in direct proportion to the amount of control we exercise over our own thinking.
Experience tells me there is a lot of truth in these statements. People that work hard at achieving pre-determined worthwhile goals and objectives tend to focus on what they want in their lives. They are generally happier because of their excitement toward their goals. People that work smarter are more alert and aware of what is going on around them. They are more deliberate in their every action. They are more in tune with what is going on around them and therefore sense subtle differences. They have more clarity and can see things that others miss. They soon begin to attract the people, situations and opportunities that bring the luck they need to become successful achievers.
A good exercise for you to improve in this area is for the next seven days focus only on the positives in your life. Here’s a hint, watch less news and feed your brain with more good of the good stuff. Train more often and notice the results. If you really want to succeed take the above exercise one step further. Every time a negative thought enters your mind, you will start the seven day exercise over. This should keep you busy for quite awhile in a positive way! I know it does me.
Like everything…Practice makes perfect!