“Never Let Minimums Become Your Maximum!”

July 2nd, 2007

Becoming an A-Rated Black Belt Leader & Champion is much more than just earning a belt around your waist. It’s about becoming the best you can be in all aspects of life. The habits, attitudes, and skills we develop in the dojang have a powerful impact on our lives outside the dojang. Ask yourself if you are living Pyung Ahn (Peace and Calm/Confidence) in all areas of your life. If the answer is yes, congratulations and keep it up! If the answer is no…it may be time to look inside and check to ensure you are congruent with your core values, beliefs, and principles.

Hi-Achievers know you never achieve maximum results by giving minimum effort. You will never achieve a full split if you don’t stretch yourself beyond current limits. The MINIMUM vs. MAXIMUM theory teaches us that we must develop the habit of giving our best effort and energy if we want to achieve our best results. Most people develop the habit of giving their minimum everyday, doing just enough to get by. Doing just enough to get by is is one of the reasons why most people will never become Hi-Achievers. It’s not that they couldn’t… it’s just that they don’t!

Most people are simply not willing to give their best effort and energy. You are not training in the Martial Arts to be like most people. You are training to become part of the Top 5% Achievers and a Black Belt Leader & Champion, this is why you must understand and apply this simple theory of success.

Habits we train are habits we gain“. Get in the habit of aiming to be the best you can be, always give your best effort and strive to achieve your best results. The Best Always Get Better!

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