Magnify the Positives, Shrink the Negatives!

July 13th, 2010

Everyday we are all likely to experience positive things and people, as well as negative things and people. They both exist and nobody is immune to being exposed. Which one we focus on is a choice we all have to make. You can choose to magnify the negatives and allow yourself to get stressed out by all your problems and challenges. If you choose this route and allow this to happen, you will soon begin to attract more negatives. It will seem as if you have a black cloud over your head.

Whenever you magnify the negatives in your life, you will automatically shrink the positives. Remember, what ever we focus on 51% of time is who you eventually become. If you want better in your life, focus on better things. Ask yourself better questions. You become blind to the good stuff, simply because you are focusing on the bad stuff! Or, you can choose to magnify the positives and feed your spirit with optimism and the energy for excellence, an energy force that attracts more and more of the good stuff.

It’s a choice we all get to make everyday. Have you ever noticed how lucky some people are? Ever hear the statement? “The harder you work, the luckier you will become!” There is a lot of truth to that statement. People that work hard every day at pre-determined goals and objectives tend to focus on what they want in their lives. They are future oriented and are also solution based thinkers. They soon begin to attract the people, situations & opportunities that bring them the luck they need to become highly successful achievers.If this is true, then why doesn’t everyone just focus on the positives? The answer is that we are conditioned by all the negatives. Have you read a newspaper or listen to the news lately? How much of it is positive news? How much is negative? The majority is negative. We are all programmed by what we see, what we hear, what we say and what we do. This is truly one of the greatest secrets of all time. The subconscious mind absorbs everything…whether it is positive or negative. Most of us need to re-program ourselves to magnify the positives and shrink the negatives. I’ll never forget Zig Zigler saying one time in a seminar I intended that we take a shower everyday to clean our bodies and yet most of us never take a mental shower everyday to clean our minds.

A great exercise to better condition ourselves in this area, is simply to try for one week to focus only on the positives in your life: positive people, positive events, activities and actions. Read only positive and inspirational materials, listen only to positive, educational and motivational CD’s and purposely seek to watch positive and inspirational DVD’s. The more you flood your mind and body with the positives, the more you will shrink the negatives. Like anything in life….

Practice makes perfect!

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