Health & Fitness Tip: Reward-Recharge-Renew!

September 5th, 2015

Anytime you achieve a specific fitness goal, big or small, you should reward yourself, recharge your batteries and renew your goal.

Reward – It’s very important to recognize and reward good performance, especially when it’s your own. Most people reward themselves when they achieve a big goal, such as a belt or hitting a certain body weight, etc… You may also considering rewarding yourself for completion of a great class or an excellent workout. Reward can vary from a special dinner to a trip to the book store or whatever reward you feel fits the achievement.

Recharge – Recharging your batteries. When you finish a great workout or achieve a big goal, it’s time to recharge your battery: combination of rest, re-hydration and replenishing your system with healthy nutrition. Proper rest and recharge is vital to your progress and should be planned into your training strategy. You work hard, train hard and push yourself to the next level and it’s important to allow yourself sufficient rest to make sure your batteries are fully recharged.

Renew – Renewing your goals insures that you’ll see consistent progress and that you’ll continually move forward in your health and fitness goals. Like any area of life that you wish to excel in, you must always have a goal in your training. Without a goal, you’ll lose your desire and reasons for taking your skills and conditioning to the next level. Always renew yourself and your goals.

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