November 27th, 2015
Why is this an important Fitness Tip? Because even you will have to deal with temporary setbacks and obstacles that may interfere with your fitness goals. If time is ever an obstacle, then plan in advance and perhaps going to bed earlier so you can get an earlier start to your day may be the answer.
How about injuries? If they do occur, focus on what you can do instead of what you cannot. You may need to alter your plan, but never give up or give in to the injury. There is always a way if you are truly committed.
How about soreness or fatigue? You may want to have planned rest days or even an occasional weekend of rest and recharge. Be sure you’ve earned the right to rest though. Make sure you’re not just being lazy and allowing comfort zones to rule you.
How about sickness? My belief is the moment you admit sickness and give into it, it just magnified itself and will only get worse before it gets better. More often than not, you can train yourself healthy again by filling your mind with thoughts of health, wealth and happiness.
How about stress? The excuse just became the reason you would train. Get rid of your stress by training, no better way to rid your body of tension and negativity than you train it away.
Bottom line is this, as a Champion, you can never fall prey to “Excusitis.” It is a terrible disease and is extremely common amongst normal human beings. But you and I are not normal, we are Champions and Champions defeat obstacles!