Happy New Year!!

December 31st, 2010

2011 is here and it’s time to start the New Year Fast & Furious!

Are you eager to make it your best ever? Would you like it to be your best for Health… Wealth and Happiness? Author, Steven Covey says: “To Predict the Future…you must create it!” Start creating your perfect year by first creating it in your mind. Close your eyes and picture your “Perfect Year” in your mind. Visualize the Year 2011 going exactly as you planned, hoped and dreamed.

This exercise, called VISUALIZATION is practiced by Olympic athletes, champions in sports, martial arts, business, politics and nearly every type of high level achievement. It’s a very powerful exercise and it’s proven to help you create clarity about your dreams and goals for the New Year. Once you’ve drawn a picture of your perfect year in your mind, it’s best to take a few minutes to write down your goals.

This is called your WISHLIST or your VISION for 2011. Powerful and positive steps to creating your picture perfect year. No limits…No boundaries…No-Holds barred. Write down everything as if you absolutely knew you could not fail. There are rarely unrealistic goals, however, often there are unrealistic deadlines. A Goal is merely a Dream with a Deadline. The moment you take action to write down your goals, you begin to create them.

Experts in human performance say that the simple act of writing down your goals for the New Year, or anytime, gives them 10x more power and increases your odds of success and achievement tenfold. By writing them down, you’ve created greater clarity and this gives you a power most people will never possess.

Don’t Wait…Create. Goals we Set are Goals we Get! If you want to see 2011 be your best ever…


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