July 19th, 2014
Besides being creatures of habit, we are all emotional beings. Most of the actions you do or don’t take is based on your emotions. The key is to learn to control your emotions so they don’t control you. Another huge benefit you’ll see from your Martial Arts training is that you develop. Positive Self Control over your emotions. You begin to understand more ways that you can influence your emotions, putting you in the driver seat. If you’ve ever lost control of your emotions, this usually means you got really mad, sad or allowed your emotions to be in the driver’s seat of what you said or did. With training and practice, you can and will gain control over your emotions and this will allow you to excel in your training and your life.
“Men are not prisoners of fate, but only prisoners of their own mind.” – Roosevelt
What you focus on the most can have a positive or a negative impact on your thoughts and emotions. The more you direct your focus and thinking patterns, the better control you will have over your emotions. Thoughts lead to feelings, your feelings lead to your actions and your actions always determine your results. Improve your thinking and you will improve your life!