November 19th, 2021
Progress happens one step at a time. There is no sudden leap to greatness. Success lies in taking consistent action every day. Good work done little by little eventually becomes great work. Habit of Consistency is similar to the Law of Process, greatness doesn’t happen in a day, it happens daily. Many people can give a great effort for a day, a week or even a month. But few are willing to give their best day in day out. Anytime you apply consistent focus and persistent effort, your results will soon begin to show consistent improvement that eventually leads to greatness.
Habit of Consistency can take someone of average talent and eventually make them great. This is true in the Martial Arts and any other endeavor that requires Spirited Repetition.
When you combine consistent focus with consistent action, you will succeed and achieve great results. Everything in life is a progression of steps. You can walk a 1000 miles simply by putting one foot in front of the other. All winners start as beginners, every great Black Belt Leader & Champion started their journey as a White Belt. Class by class, day by day, the eager White Belt eventually becomes a seasoned Black Belt.
Practice Consistency and it will soon become habit!
Have you ever lost control of your emotions and done something, said something or acted in a way you later regretted? The answer for almost everyone would be “Yes!” Anger brings out a very negative and ugly side of just about everyone. Most people agree that positive emotions and attitudes are far more productive than negative emotions.