Expect the Best… Get the Best!

July 6th, 2008

Do you expect great health and fitness? Do you expect wealth and happiness? Do you expect great friends and loving relationships? Do you expect the best of life? Law of Expectations says: “Whatever you expect, with confidence becomes your own self fulfilling prophecy”. Said another way, what you expect, is what you get… good or bad, positive or negative.

Martial Arts teaches us to focus on a desired outcome. When you confidently expect good things to happen, good things usually do happen. If you expect negative things to happen, you are willing yourself to experience a negative outcome. If you truly expect to perform well on your next progress check, you will perform well. welcoIf you expect to bomb or perform poorly, you are planting the seeds of failure in your mind. Think great thoughts, take great actions, and you will enjoy the rewards of success instead of the penalties of failure. Tell yourself: “I am the Best… I am the Best… I am the Best!” By doing this, you are sending a message to yourself, that you are the best. You are a Champion and you deserve success. In a sense, you are giving yourself a pep talk to perform at your best level. On of my favorite sayings is: “In life, you get what you expect and accept!” Expect the best from yourself and you will begin to experience greatness in life.

Here’s is one great affirmation to start the morning with: “Yes, today is going to be a great day!”. More often than not, it truly is a great day and at the end of the day, when you look for the good, there are many victories and accomplishments to celebrate, whether it was a great training session and you felt on your “A” game, or someone shared their victories and achievements with you. That is not to say that there aren’t challenges and challenging days, because there are. However, I have found that the more you focus on the good stuff, the more good stuff there is to focus on. If you focus on all the CRAP…you soon become a CRAP magnet. Whenever I ask people if they would rather influence others in a positive or a negative fashion, the answer has always been positive. That being said, the best way to influence others, is by example. So, I hope you will continue to join me in being a force for good and spread more of the good stuff to everyone and anyone you have the opportunity to influence.

Train Hard…Work Hard…Enjoy the Rewards of your Success!

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