March 12th, 2016
Some people train hard, some train smart, the goal should be to train harder and smarter. This is the best way to insure positive and consistent gains in your Tang Soo Do training and in life. Most aspects of Tang Soo Do training are very measurable and predictable. Flexibility, strength, endurance and skill level, are all measurable and vital areas of progress and growth for a Black Belt Leader & champion. The results and benefits you obtain are a direct reflection of the actions you take and the attention you give each area. Black Belt Leaders & Champions strive to make positive progress and continually take action to move forward, eventually leading toward bigger and better gains.
“To get more heat from a fire, you must first put more wood on it!” – Author Unknown
Train for gain by allowing enough time to warm-up and get focused on training. Once warmed up, get into the game, play it all out and pay close attention to your form and detail. The devil is always in the details!
Train for gain by understanding the concept of progress vs. perfection, meaning that before we can ever be great at anything, we must be willing to start the learning process. Part of this process is making mistakes, correcting them and practicing the correct skill, over and over again.
Train for gain is understanding the ratchet effect. This is when we take three steps forward and sometimes take two steps backwards. Understand that we are still ahead of where we began.
Train for Gain by listening to your instructors and coaches. Always be coach-able, stay curious and eager to learn and improve yourself. Most important, keep your goals clearly in mind and train hard for gain and you’ll always get better!