May 22nd, 2015
- Set a Specific Goal: Setting the goal of becoming a highly skilled and well conditioned Black Belt Leader & Champion is very motivating and life-impacting. It brings out the best in everyone and keeps you on a path of positive self-development and constant improvement. Where are you in your journey of personal excellence? Where do you want to be in the next 6-12 months? How about the next 12 to 24 months?
- Design a Massive Action Plan: Every important goal in life, especially becoming a Black Belt Leader & Champion, needs an action plan to make it happen. Your action plan might include your training days, your nutrition plan and/or extra fitness and conditioning. It should also include some time to feed your brain. Create a martial scholar’s list of great books that you want to read and start reading at least one book per month. I also recommend creating a “Random Acts of Kindness” list and start working on your karma. The key is always to be developing your mind, body, spirit, and emotions.
- Massive Action = Massive Results. Once you’ve designed your action plan, it’s time to take massive action. Well directed and well thought out actions always lead to positive, progressive results. The more actions you take, the better the results you create. The Law of Inertia will kick in as soon as you start taking action. Basically the Law of Inertia states that an object set in motion tends to stay in motion. In this case, you are the object and your goals are fuel that helps ignite your success machine.
- Study/Analyze Your Results. Everyone needs progress check points and measuring rods. The better you measure it…the better you can manage it. By giving yourself an occasional check-up from the neck up, you can easily determine if your plan is working. Sometimes, the plan is good, but you simply need more action, other times you need to take better actions. Sometimes, you need to change course and try something else. Which leads me to…
- Continue what Works – Change what Doesn’t. Simple advice, yet you would be surprised how many people need this simple and powerful reminder. If something is working for you, keep doing it over and over. If something isn’t working, simply change your approach.
Always keep your most important goals fresh in your mind and take action every day until it’s been achieved.