Black Belt Leaders & Champions have Integrity

January 19th, 2008

A Black Belt is a worldwide recognized symbol that represents a high level of excellence, not just in physical skill, but also in attitude, behavior and character. Integrity is vital ingredient for any leader, in and out of the Martial Arts. Having integrity and a solid character, leads to earning the respect and trust of others. Black Belt Leaders always honor their commitments and accept their responsibilities in life. They are people that can be trusted and counted on, they are dependable and always there to back up their team, friends and family. As Leaders in our communities and as dedicated students of the Martial Arts, we must constantly remind ourselves to go beyond the physical aspects and to also practice the mental and character developing aspects of the arts. Black Belt leaders & champions live by a code of ethics and honor. They walk their talk and are value driven. Champions live by the principles of Black Belt Leadership. Being liked, trusted and respected by others is an honored position in life. To deserve this honor, we must always practice and live with Integrity.

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