Black Belt Leaders & Champions are Persistent!

May 6th, 2008

Two powerful principles that every Black Belt Leader & Champion must possess are the principles of Perseverance and Persistence: seeing things through to completion, crossing the finish line, having persistence in the face of resistance or challenge, staying focused on the goal and always ready to overcome any obstacles that may be encountered. Sometimes referred to as “Stick-to-it-iveness!”

Perseverance is a vital ingredient of all worthy achievements. Learning to be able to set your sights on a specific target, then aiming your energy and efforts in the direction of your dreams. Black Belt Leaders & Champions understand the need to constantly train themselves to develop the mindset of Stick-to-it-until-you-do-it! Setting your sights on becoming a Black Belt Leader & Champion is a powerful, impacting and challenging goal. It’s also a goal that will always have a positive impact on every aspect of your life.

Is it going to be easy? Is it going to happen quickly? Not likely. Any worthwhile achievement requires some sacrifice, lot’s of energy and effort, plus plenty of persistence. I have an old saying that goes like this: “Anything that is worthwhile, takes awhile.” It’s best to support your goal with at least three reasons why its achievement is important to you. Constantly remind yourself of your reasons and they will give you strength at the time you need it the most.

You have to create a big enough why!

Simply put: fall down seven times, get up eight!

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