Being Your Best!

July 29th, 2018

We all want to perform at our best. To accomplish this we must remember BEST stands for:

B = Healthy Body

E = Healthy Emotions

S = Positive Speech

T = Powerful Thinking

When we zoom in a bit more, we realize the truth: Your thinking governs your behavior, and your behavior determines your results. Your results determine your destiny. Literally and figuratively, thoughts determine your destiny! Read it again:

Your thinking governs your behavior, and your behavior determines your results. Your thoughts determine your destiny!

That means your thinking is the most valuable asset you have. “Positive Thinking” is great and yet at the end of the day it is not enough. Your thinking must be more than positive it must also be strategic and or tactical. It must be mixed with a strong desire (i.e., burning desire) and have an intended purpose.

How do I do this you ask? Train your brain to think at Mastery Level or what we call Master Level Awareness (MLA). How? First, become a Master Observer. That is, use your sensory acuity to be aware of how you think. Next, consider how someone creates a master piece. They work at it! This is the same way you get good at anything…through good old fashioned practice. It takes time, energy, and resources. Again, start with noticing your thought patterns by becoming a Master observer. Whenever you have a dis-empowering or limiting thought, arrest it immediately, and re-place it with powerful thinking. Chuck Norris use to say to himself, “Thank you…cancel, cancel.” He then used the Law of Substitution to replace the limiting thought with a more empowering one. Next, Decide in Advance (DIA). That is, know the outcome you want in any situation and ask “How Can I….?”  It’s about asking more empowering questions, having an intended purpose, being persistent, and practicing tactical detachment.  Why tactical detachment you ask? This will help you overcome self-doubt and when appropriate fear. Let me explain: The way to get rid of fear or self-doubt is to train your brain to give up your emotional attachment to the outcome.  In this case, it helps if you care less rather than being careless. In some cases, fear is a healthy thing. It is your mind’s way of telling you to be careful. In most cases however, it is self-doubt which leads to never getting started or stopping way before you reach your goal. 

Finally for now, I leave you the following list of empowering beliefs and actions to live by. They are my top 20!

  1. Know your purpose in life!
  2. Continually grow to reach your maximum and remember that is always changing as you stretch and grow.
  3. Grow into the next day. That is, become a better person each day.
  4. Be value added. That is externally focused. When you focus on yourself for too long you miss your opportunity to make a major impact on others.
  5. Don’t just live…seize the moment, day, evening, and life (Carpe Momentum, Carpe Diem, Carpe Nocturn, and Carpe Vitim)!
  6. Value people, believe in people, and unconditionally love people.
  7. Be mindful by practicing mindfulness. Remember, be a STAR (stop, think, act, and review) and success through accepting responsibility. As part of this, pay attention to what you are doing and or not doing. Be focused, be present and in the moment, and do it all without judgement.  
  8. Lead with love!
  9. Focus on what is good and you will find it.
  10. Breath deep and often and from the center.  
  11.  Smile and the world will smile with you.
  12.  Set goals and get goals even if they have to be small for now and short term. Later think big and expand your goals. You are going to have to think anyway so why not think big!
  13.  Treat your body like a temple. That is, eat only those things that bring you true nourishment.  
  14.  Give more than is expected of you and you will receive more than you could have ever realized.
  15.  Keep moving even if it has to be small steps. Once you stop moving you stop living.
  16.  Read motivational material as much as possible and avoid the TV as much as you can. I recommend John Maxwell and yet there are plenty others. .
  17. Learn something new every day; meet someone new every day; gain a new insight every day; see something new every day, and be the best you can be every day!
  18.  Never accept anything but your very best as in life you get what you expect and accept.
  19.  Trust your gut!
  20. Live intentionally and be grateful. For example…
  1. Sunday – Serve God & Family First
  2. Monday – Be the first to offer help
  3. Tuesday – Partner with a friend to make a difference
  4. Wednesday – Fill your day with intentional acts of kindness
  5. Thursday – Make a point to have a meaningful mealtime conversation
  6. Friday – Surprise someone with how much they matter
  7. Saturday – Put it all together and plan for an even better next week

I hope this helps.

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