Begin with Purpose – Finish with Victory!!!

November 6th, 2007

Many experts in human performance believe that the #1 reason why most people will never get what they want is they don’t really know what they want. Imagine how much happier you will be, if you start every day with a purpose and passion for achievement in all areas of your life. Imagine that you had total clarity about your goals and action plan for your health, fitness and Martial Arts. Imagine that you had exciting and very specific career and financial objectives. Plus, you had pre-determined outcomes in mind for the personal and professional relationships in your life, and you had an action plan for on-going personal self development. Can you see where this would give you more excitement and energy everyday? Don’t you agree that greater clarity about your purpose is a powerful motivator?

Begin with purpose…is about making sure you first have clarity on your primary achievement goals and objectives. Finish with victory…is about making sure that you review your daily and weekly victories on a regular basis. At the end of each day, you choose to focus on what went right, or what went wrong. It is a choice and everyone gets to make it. You can focus on the victories of your day, or you can focus on the challenges. Begin with purpose – finish with victory, is another way to train your brain to stay focused on the things that give you energy and inspiration. Instead of allowing your mind to drift to the negatives in life, you focus on the positives.

If you train your brain to look for the good, it will search and find all the good stuff that is happening in your life. This will keep you in a positive state of mind and feed fuel to your more optimistic side. If you allow yourself to get stuck on the negatives and you stay stuck on the negatives, you will become negative and cynical. This tends to lead you toward a negative and pessimistic attitude. A positive state of mind gives you energy and leads to greater productivity and improved results. A negative state of mind sucks energy out of you and leads to lower productivity and lackluster results. It’s a choice everyone gets to make everyday. Black Belt Champions and Elite Leaders choose to focus on the positives and work to eliminate or minimize the negatives. This is what leads them to higher levels of achievement in life.

Begin with Purpose – Finish with Victory!

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