Attitude Drives Actions – Actions Drives Results!

July 17th, 2009

If you want to lead a great life, you have to take great actions. The best way to prepare yourself to take great actions, is to practice having a great attitude. Say “YES” everyday to prepare yourself for Victory (Pilsung) and most importantly DO step out of your comfort zone! Imagine every time you entered the Dojang, you said “YES” to stepping out of your comfort zone and giving your absolute best! Every time you step on the mat…you said “YES” I will demonstrate performance level! Every time you finished class…you said “YES” I gave my best today! You’d soon develop a habit that leads to becoming a highly conditioned Black Belt Leader & Champion.

Habits we Train are Habits we Gain! Anything you do repeatedly becomes habit. Good or bad. Black Belt Leaders & Champions know that they must train their brain every day. This is why you must condition your attitude everyday for making it a great day. Stated differently, you always get what you focus on. Think how much better you would be at everything you do, if you trained yourself to have a great attitude toward life and learning…every day! Practice being more respectful, you become more respected. Practice looking for the good in others, you begin to attract more of what you look for. You also get more people looking at the good in you! Practice smiling more and you will see more people smiling back. Remember, to receive…you must give first.

Here are some Black Belt Attitude Tips for daily development of a positive attitude:

  • Wake up every day and say “YES” today is a great day!
  • Be the first to offer praise and compliment.
  • Always look for the good in yourself and others.
  • Think of what you DO want in life, not what you DON’T!
  • Always be happy and grateful for what you DO have.
  • Take massive action and revel in your accomplishments and those of others.

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