Anger is Your Enemy!

March 21st, 2024

Have you ever lost control of your emotions and done something, said something or acted in a way you later regretted? The answer for almost everyone would be “Yes!” Anger brings out a very negative and ugly side of just about everyone. Most people agree that positive emotions and attitudes are far more productive than negative emotions.  

Anger is your enemy because it can cause serious damage. It can cause serious damage to your relationships, to your own health and well-being, to your overall happiness and joy in life. It can also do serious damage to your professional image and appearance because it is ugly! You must not allow this dangerous negative emotion to take control. Avoidance, prevention and preparation are always the best defense against any powerful and dangerous enemy. Whenever possible, avoid the people, situations and things that make you angry and negative. You can minimize or eliminate almost any negative emotion from your life, by laughing more, keeping a good sense of humor and focusing on your positive emotions. Smile more, laugh more, keep yourself healthy and be physically active everyday. Focus on happy thoughts, listen to great music, think about all the things that make you feel good and bring joy to your life.

Magnify the positive, shrink the negative! Learn to spot your emotional patterns, positive and negative. Train yourself to focus on your positive emotions and try to magnify them. The ultimate level of emotional mastery is when you choose in advance the emotions that best serve you and others, no matter what obstacles you encounter. Anger is your enemy!

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