The Terror Barrier – Stepping Out Of Your Comfort Zone

September 12th, 2024

Have you ever felt like you’re on the edge of a breakthrough, but something stops you from taking that leap? This invisible force, often called the “Terror Barrier,” keeps many of us from stepping out of our comfort zones and achieving peak performance. But here’s the thing—success strategies can help you break through this barrier.

Confronting Fear and the Terror Barrier

Fear is the mind’s natural response to stepping into unknown territory. Whether you’re a professional, teacher, instructor, coach, or martial arts school owner, understanding the nature of your fears is the first step in overcoming them. Let’s break down some common fears:

  • Fear of Failure: The thought of failing can be paralyzing. However, failing is often the stepping stone to ultimate success.
  • Fear of the Unknown: Not knowing what lies ahead can trigger anxiety, but this is where growth happens.
  • Fear of Embarrassment: Worries about what others think can hold you back. Remember, everyone has faced embarrassment at some point.
  • Fear of Loss: The potential loss of time, effort, or resources can deter action. Yet, every loss can also be a learning opportunity.
  • Fear of Rejection: The fear of not being accepted is a deep-rooted concern. Understanding that rejection is a part of life can help you move forward.

The Law of Relativity

The Law of Relativity states that everything only has the meaning we assign. Your perception is your reality. If you perceive a challenge as intimidating, it will be. But if you see it as an opportunity, new pathways open up.

Desensitization – Do The Very Thing That Scares You

One effective technique for overcoming fear is desensitization. By repeatedly facing the thing that scares you, you diminish its power. This is known as “failing forward.” Every attempt, successful or not, moves you closer to your goal.

Repetition is the Mother of Learning

Practice makes perfect and lessens the fear associated with the unfamiliar. By repeating actions, you move towards mastery and ease.

Rinse and Repeat Until You Are Comfortable

The key to overcoming the Terror Barrier is persistence. Keep doing what once scared you until it becomes second nature. Start where you are and set small, manageable goals. The process is similar to adjusting your thermostat at home. It is often referred to as your self-identity set point. You become accustomed to increasing or lowering the temperature as needed over time. Once you acclimate to the new temperature, it becomes the new norm or comfort zone.

The Law of Incremental Improvement

Progress is made through incremental improvements. “By the inch, it’s a cinch; by the yard, it’s mighty hard.” Set clear goals and take deliberate actions. If progress stalls, reassess your goals and motivations. Are they clearly defined? Are you acting for the right reasons?


Ralph Waldo Emerson once said, “Do the thing, and you will have the power.” Stepping out of your comfort zone takes courage and determination, but breaking through the Terror Barrier is possible with the right mindset and strategies. Whether striving for personal growth or professional excellence, remember that every small step counts towards the bigger picture. It’s time to confront your fears, redefine your perceptions, and take consistent action toward success.

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