Positive Mental Attitude vs. Negative Mental Attitude

June 13th, 2024

It’s been said many times that attitude determines your altitude in life. To be the best Black Belt leader & champion you are capable of becoming, you must constantly condition your attitude and emotions to remain positive and optimistic. The effort and energy you give to this area will strengthen your performance, on and off the mat. 

A great Train-your-Brain reminder is to liken your daily outlook and attitude, to your physical fitness, conditioning and flexibility. The effort and energy you give, determines what you get. You need to condition yourself daily, or you may find yourself slipping backwards. If you don’t actively fill your mind with positives thoughts and ideas, it is easy to become negative. Why is that? Watch the news, listen to the radio, most of the TV and movies we all watch are filled with negatives and very few positives. If you absorb negative content, it’s easy to become negative. Before you know it, you develop a negative attitude and your mind becomes filled with negatives: fear, doubt, worry, envy, anger and many other negative thoughts and feelings about yourself and others. 

How successful do you think you will become in anything, if you’re loaded with all those negatives? Not very! A positive attitude and mindset creates an energy force that inspires and motivates people to take positive actions and creates positive results. It helps to create an uplifting emotion that will enhance your learning and promotes a positive, progressive energy for life.

Stinkin’ Thinkin’ and ”Hardening of the Attitudes” are dangerous diseases that can kill desire and dampen enthusiasm. If left untreated, they will lead to a downward spiral in your life and can do great damage to your health, wealth and happiness. It can have huge impact on your relationships, ones that were once pretty good, can go down the tubes quickly. Positive thoughts lead to positive feelings and emotions, which leads you to take positive actions, which leads to positive results. If you want to see better results, it would do you good to give yourself a Check-up from the Neck up.

Decide today that you are going to be a positive person that is making a positive difference in peoples lives. Read and study positive and inspirational material everyday, hang around positive people and talk about positive things. Soon your entire life will be moving in a much more positive direction. It’s a lot of fun and you’ll be a lot more fun to be around. No matter how positive you already are, I’m sure you would agree that your optimism is frequently put to the test.

Let’s team up and spread the good stuff to all the people that we can influence!

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