School Promotions

April 11th, 2010

Cambridge Tang Soo Do would like to congratulate the following students for successfully completing the 2010 winter testing cycle:


    Michael Vemula 1st Gup
    Jason Green 2nd Gup
    Navilla Bagga 5th Gup
    Colin South 7th Gup
    Trevor Boylston 7th Gup
    Ebe Janchivdorj 7th Gup


    Luke Schlatter 5th Gup
    Finnigan Paquette 6th Gup
    Alex South 7th Gup
    Samantha Averitt 7th Gup
    Katarina Klacko 8th Gup
    Isabel DeLuis 8th Gup
    Maya DeLuis 8th Gup
    Je’mi Pearson 9th Gup

  Little Dragons

    Kalyani Duva Red
    Theo Cooper Orange
    Elias Kinaoui Orange
    Alec Klacko Yellow
    Nick Cordell Yellow

A warm welcome to the following students who have decided to start their journey in the Martial Arts at Cambridge Tang Soo Do:

    Allan Dunne
    Riley Curtin
    Luis Colon
    Marc Evans
    Aj Singh
    Donna Robinson
    Nick Cordell

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