Black Belt Leaders and Champions Magnify the Positives & Shrink the Negatives!

January 15th, 2017

Every day we are all likely to experience positive things and people, as well as negative things and people. What we focus on, is a choice we all get to make. You can choose to magnify the negatives and allow yourself to get stressed out by your problems and challenges. When you choose this route, you will attract more negatives.

It will seem as if you have a black cloud over your head. This is why it is very important that you focus on what you want and what is good in your life and not what is not right at the moment. Whenever you magnify the negatives in your life, you also shrink the positives. You become blind to the good stuff, simply because you are focusing on all that is wrong! Or, you can choose the opposite…to magnify the positives and feed your spirit with great optimism and an energy force that will attract more of the good stuff into your life. It’s a choice we all get to make every moment of everyday. The Law of Attraction & The Law of Control teaches us that we empower ourselves in direct proportion to the amount of control we exercise over our own thinking.

Experience tells me there is a lot of truth in these statements. People that work hard at achieving pre-determined worthwhile goals and objectives tend to focus on what they want in their lives. They are generally happier because of their excitement toward their goals. People that work smarter are more alert and aware of what is going on around them. They are more deliberate in their every action. They are more in tune with what is going on around them and therefore sense subtle differences. They have more clarity and can see things that others miss. They soon begin to attract the people, situations and opportunities that bring the luck they need to become successful achievers.

A good exercise for you to improve in this area is for the next seven days focus only on the positives in your life. Here’s a hint, watch less news and feed your brain with more good of the good stuff. Train more often and notice the results. If you really want to succeed take the above exercise one step further. Every time a negative thought enters your mind, you will start the seven day exercise over. This should keep you busy for quite awhile in a positive way! I know it does me.

Like everything…Practice makes perfect!

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