Become a Total Life Warrior!

November 17th, 2017

How would you like to make the most of the holiday season and enjoy the best 2018 possible? I know I would. 

If so, consider a focus on becoming a Total Life Warrior. That is someone who pursues self-mastery daily. I refer to this as “seeking” and those who pursues this path as “seekers”. Take for example what goes into seeking the summit of Mt. Everest. It requires proper planning, a good guide who has summited before, perseverance, up-front preparation (practice) and indomitable human spirit. That is a burning desire to make it happen. It also takes the tools of the trade; such as proper equipment, clothing, and a whole bunch of support. It also takes time, energy, and money.

As a fellow seeker, you already know the higher we climb the more challenging it becomes. The air is not only thinner, the resistance becomes greater as we climb ever upwards. This is the price of success! As you can imagine there are very few total practitioners or Total Life Warriors just as there are very few who have summited Mt. Everest or any other great mountain for that matter. The reason for this is simple. It takes great discipline over time and under great pressure to achieve anything that is truly worthwhile. The same holds true for walking the Moo Do path. Doing the right thing and acting honorably at all times is not easy. It also takes great focus to harness and direct energy on a continual basis to self-development and self-improvement. Very few are up to the challenge.

It also takes great courage to stand up for what one strongly believes in. Even harder is to not judge others in a world that celebrates it. To holdfast and practice self-responsibility, perseverance, and humility is scarce indeed. Even more scarce is acting in a way that puts others first by serving the greater good even when it is easier to do the exact opposite. To be a total life warrior or total practitioner one must live the art. This requires being congruent by walking your talk. 

The good news is if you truly walk the path (and walk your talk), it changes your life for the better in every area. It improves your:

  • Confidence
  • Personal Power
  • Martial Arts Ability
  • Quality of Your Relationships
  • Peace of Mind
  • Awareness
  • Ability to Get From Where You Are to Where You Want to go
  • Ability to Live The Way You Want
  • Overall Health

The key is start now. Remember, there is no time like the present and since life is a present to begin with now is the time to act! As John Boykin said, “Time is life – nothing more, nothing less. The way you spend your hours and days is the way you spend your life.”  So how do I become a total practitioner you may ask?

It’s all about Clarity, Commitment, Action & Congruency!

Happy Holidays!

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